A..0.0.2 Binary format

The MESH and SOL can be written in binary. It is also based on keywords but those last are given with numbers. The correspondance table between numbers and keywords are given as follows:
MeshVersionFormatted 1
Dimension 3
Vertices 4
Edges 5
Triangles 6
Quadrilatérals 7
Tetrahedra 8
Pentahedra 9
Corners 13
Ridges 14
RequiredVertices 15
RequiredEdges 16
RequiredTriangles 17
RequiredQuadrilaterals 18
TangentAtEdgesVertices 19
NormalAtVertices 20
NormalAtTriangleVertices 21
NormalAtQuadrilateral 22
AngleOfCorner 23
BoundingBox 50
Tangent 59
Normal 60
TangentAtVertices 61
SolAtVertices 62

Thus the file must begin with the integer $1$ which has been followed by the version number (1 for simple précision, 2 for double précision).

Next, there is the integer $3$ (Dimension) then an integer corresponding to the file position at the end of the information concerning the dimension, i.e. after the integer indicating the dimension (so it is the number $20$: an integer is stored on 4 bits and including this one, we will write five integers) then the space dimension (2 or 3).

The continuation of the file is composed by other keywords with the following convention: just after the keyword number, you have to indicate the file position at the end of the information concerning this keyword then you give this information.


Dobrzynski 2012-03-23