3.2 Options

All options are given in command line:
-O $n$ with $n$ an integer:
-O 0 : mesh optimization.
-O 1 : mesh generation in agreement with a prescribed metric,
    including points insertion/suppression and mesh optimization.
-O 4 : option 1 + global splitting,
    warning global splitting involves splitting of boundaries (triangles)
-O 9 : rigid bodies displacement and optimization (see 5).
-O 10 : transformation of an hexahedral/prism mesh into tetrahedral one (see 6).
-O-1 : same as described previously without the optimization phase.

-d : debug mode.

-h : command summary, the following message will be written in your xterm:
  -- MMG3d, Release 4.0 c (March 6, 2012) 
     Copyright (c) LJLL/IMB, 2010
usage: mmg3d4.0 [-v[n]] [-h] [-m n] [opts..] filein[.mesh] [-out fileout]

** Generic options :
-d      Turn on debug mode
-h      Print this message
-v [n]  Tune level of verbosity
-m [n]  Set memory size to n Mbytes

-O [n]  Optimization level
  1      adaptation
  4      use global splitting (warning modify boundary mesh)
  9      moving mesh
  10     transform an hexahedral/prism mesh in a tetrahedral mesh 
 -n      turn off optimisation

** Misc. options
-bucket [n]    Specify the size of bucket per dimension
-noswap        no edge or face flipping
-nomove        no point relocation
-noinsert      no new point
-out fileout   Specify output file name
-rn n num      Specify the number of vertices by box to renumber nodes and the renumberings
-dt dt         to compute the node speed

-v $n$
$n$ defines the verbosity level (defaulft $3$).
-m $n$
the integer $n$ defines the allocated memory in Megabytes.
By default, the software allows to generate a mesh with maximum $500  000$ points or $3 000 000$ tetrahedra.
-mov name : gives the displacement filename (option 9, see 5).
-dt t : to compute the node speed (option 9, see 5).
-in name : gives the input filename.
-out nom : gives the output filename.
-bucket : specifies the bucket size (default $64$).
-noswap : generates the mesh without applied edge swaps.
-noinsert : generates the mesh in keeping constant the number of nodes (no points insertion or edge deletion).
-nomove : generates the mesh without point relocation in optization stage.
-rn $n$ $num$ : this option concerns renumbering stage. The integer $n$ is the number of vertices by box (by default $500$) and $num$ allows to tell when the renumbering stage appears: $0$: no renumbering stage ; $1$: renumbering at beginning ; $2$: renumbering after insertion stage ; $3$ (default): renumbering at the beginning and after insertion stage.

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Dobrzynski 2012-03-23