4.2 Options

As on the binary using, the Mmg3d call is done with options. This one must be specified on the tabular int opt[9]. This tabular contains:
an integer defining the remeshing mode:
0 : mesh optimization.
1 : mesh generation in agreement with a prescribed metric,
    including points insertion/suppression and mesh optimization.
4 : option 1 + global splitting,
    warning global splitting involves splitting of boundaries (triangles)
9 : rigid bodies displacement and optimization (see 5).
10 : transformation of an hexahedral/prism mesh into tetrahedral one (see 6).
-1 or -4 or -9 : same as described previously without the optimization phase.

debugging mode: 1 for debugging node, 0 if not,
bucket size: default 64,
the possibility to generate the mesh with applied or not edge swaps: 1 not authorizing edge swaps.
the possibility to generate the mesh in keeping constant the number of nodes (no points insertion or edges supression): 1 to keep constant the number of nodes, 0 if not,
the possibilty to generate the mesh with or without point relocation in optimization stage: 1 to avoid point relocation, 0 if not,
verbosity level: default $3$,
this integer concerns renumbering stage, it allows to tell when renumbering stage appears:
0: no renumbering stage ; 1: renumbering at beginning ; 2: renumbering after insertion stage ; 3 (default): renumbering at the beginning and after insertion stage.
this integer concerns renumbering stage, it is the number of vertices by box (default 500),
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Dobrzynski 2012-03-23