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Transport.c File Reference

Transport of Level set functions This file contains all the functions related to Transport.

#include "petsc.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "struct.h"
#include "Transport.h"
#include "Vectors.h"
Include dependency graph for Transport.c:


#define __FUNCT__   "transport"
#define __FUNCT__   "rhof"
#define __FUNCT__   "muf"
#define __FUNCT__   "TransportCarac"
#define __FUNCT__   "TransportELast"


PetscErrorCode transport (Simu *simu, Grid grid, Proc proc, Fields vec, Arrays arr, Obs obs)
double rhof (Simu simu, Grid grid, double psi)
double muf (Simu simu, Grid grid, double psi)
PetscErrorCode TransportCarac (Simu *simu, Grid grid, Proc proc, Fields vec, Arrays arr)
PetscErrorCode TransportElast (Simu *simu, Grid grid, Proc proc, Fields vec, Arrays arr, Obs obs)

Detailed Description

Transport of Level set functions This file contains all the functions related to Transport.

Michel Bergmann

Function Documentation

◆ muf()

double muf ( Simu  simu,
Grid  grid,
double  psi 

Computation of the regularized dynamic viscosity, mu, with respect to the level set function

◆ rhof()

double rhof ( Simu  simu,
Grid  grid,
double  psi 

Computation of the regularized density, rho, with respect to the level set function

◆ transport()

PetscErrorCode transport ( Simu simu,
Grid  grid,
Proc  proc,
Fields  vec,
Arrays  arr,
Obs  obs 

Transport of the Level Set function using WENO5

Reinitialization to the Signed Distance function, based on [12] [20] and [16]

Computation of the water (fluid 1) phase volume

Regularization of the Dirac and Heaviside functions

◆ TransportCarac()

PetscErrorCode TransportCarac ( Simu simu,
Grid  grid,
Proc  proc,
Fields  vec,
Arrays  arr 

Transport of the backward characteristics with WENO5

◆ TransportElast()

PetscErrorCode TransportElast ( Simu simu,
Grid  grid,
Proc  proc,
Fields  vec,
Arrays  arr,
Obs  obs 

Transport of the elastic structure with WENO5