4.1 File arguments

To use Mmg3d as a library, you must include the file libmmg3d.h and call the following C-function:
int MMG_mmg3dlib(int opt[9],MMG_pMesh mesh,MMG_pSol sol)

This function takes three arguments:

  1. a tabular containing nine integers. This tabular allows to specify code option, see 4.2,
  2. a pointer on a MMG_Mesh object which contains initial mesh informations, see 4.3,
  3. a pointer on a MMG_sol object which contains metric specification , see 4.4.

This function returns an integer which is strictly positive if the mesh procedure anormally ended. At the end, the pointers of MMG_Mesh and MMG_Sol types contain the new mesh and the associated metric.

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Dobrzynski 2012-03-23