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EPS File Font Embedding

Two methods to embed fonts within an EPS file for Latex use. The first converts a single file, the second, a directory of EPS files.

> eps2eps -dEmbedAllFonts=true figure_old.eps figure_new.eps

To convert a directory of EPS files, open a shell, change to the directory
containing EPS files, type the following (without line breaks)

> for I in `ls *eps`; do mv $I $I.OLD; eps2eps -dEmbedAllFonts=true $I.OLD $I; done

DVI to PDF conversion

Use the commands below to convert a DVI file to a compliant PDF. Note: You may have to use ps2pdf14 instead of ps2pdf.

> dvips -Pdownload35 -G0 -tletter -o paper.dvi
> ps2pdf -dEmbedAllFonts=true paper.pdf

The whole procedure to embed fonts in eps files and prepare the pdf is as follows:

for I in `find . -name '*eps'`; do mv $I $I.OLD; eps2eps -dEmbedAllFonts=true $I.OLD $I; done
dvips paper.dvi
ps2pdf -dEmbedAllFonts=true paper.pdf

Useful command redefinitions for articles in Mathematics:

\newcommand{\Aa}{ {\cal A }}
\newcommand{\Ba}{ {\cal B }}
\newcommand{\Ca}{ {\cal C }}
\newcommand{\Da}{ {\cal D }}
\newcommand{\La}{ {\cal L }}
\newcommand{\Na}{ {\cal N }}
\newcommand{\Ka}{ {\cal K }}
\newcommand{\Ea}{ {\cal E }}
\newcommand{\Sa}{ {\cal S }}
\newcommand{\Ra}{ {\cal R }}
\newcommand{\Va}{ {\cal V }}
\newcommand{\Ua}{ {\cal U }}
\newcommand{\Fa}{ {\cal F }}
\newcommand{\Ga}{ {\cal G }}
\newcommand{\Qa}{ {\cal Q }}
\newcommand{\Oa}{ {\cal O }}
\newcommand{\Ia}{ {\cal I }}
\newcommand{\Xa}{ {\cal X }}
\newcommand{\Ma}{ {\cal M }}
\newcommand{\Ta}{ {\cal T}}
\newcommand{\Ha}{ {\cal H }}
\newcommand{\Ja}{ {\cal J }}
\newcommand{\Pa}{ {\cal P }}
\newcommand{\Za}{ {\cal Z }}
\newcommand{\Ya}{ {\cal Y }}
\newcommand{\Wa}{ {\cal W }}
\newcommand{\Qb}{ {\bf Q}}
\newcommand{\Eb}{ {\bf E}}
\newcommand{\Db}{ {\bf D }}
\newcommand{\Gb}{ {\bf G }}
\newcommand{\Ab}{ {\bf A }}
\newcommand{\Bb}{ {\bf B }}
\newcommand{\Cb}{ {\bf C }}
\newcommand{\Kb}{ {\bf K}}
\newcommand{\bb}{ {\bf b }}
\newcommand{\ab}{ {\bf a }}
\newcommand{\cb}{ {\bf c }}
\newcommand{\pb}{ {\bf p }}
\newcommand{\ib}{ {\bf i }}
\newcommand{\point}{\mbox{\LARGE .}}
\newcommand{\proof}{\noindent\mbox{\bf Proof:}\\}
\newcommand{\cqfd}{\hfill\blbx \\}
\def\blbx{\hbox{\vrule height 5pt width 5pt depth 0pt}\medskip}
\def \KK{\mathbb{K}}
\def \PP{\mathbb{P}}
\def \RR{\mathbb{R}}
\def \EE{\mathbb{E}}
\def \QQ{\mathbb{Q}}
\def \CC{\mathbb{C}}
\def \LL{\mathbb{L}}
\def \ZZ{\mathbb{Z}}
\def \WW{\mathbb{W}}
\def \e{\epsilon}

Michele Pace

INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest
Université Bordeaux I
IMB - Bat A33
351, Cours de la Libération
33405 Talence Cedex, France

Michele.Pace AT
pace AT
Michele Pace

PhD  Student, equipe ALEA
Centre INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux
Université de Bordeaux I
BEAMER frame with two columns

    \frametitle{Two Column Output}
                blah blah\\

BEAMER frame with two columns - two images

\begin{frame}{Scenario 10 aircrafts- Filtering}
    \frametitle{Scenario 10 aircrafts- Filtering}

                 \caption{ GMPHD filter }  

                 \caption{ SMCPHD filter }  

BEAMER set color in table rows

